Saturday 12 October 2013

Recently i noticed some changes in Google analytic. Through new analytic interface now we can get more important data with various additional features. We can start from real time section. Before the new updates user can only see two major changes in real time section. 1. Events 2. Conversion Through these two new features now you can easy to track your events & conversion status in real time. Real time also helps to track which tweet of social sharing is engaging your user. Another major change is audience mobile section. In this section you can check which device is being used by user. You can get exact number of desktop, mobile, tablet user, even it also provide device model number such as Samsung, Apple, Nokia. In this section now you can add custom or user defined variable. Next updated section is Acquisition. It's overview section now you can see some other sources which provide you exact data inform about your user such as visitor came from any email campaign or through any social campaign. Through new interface you can get more information about your user deeply. another major change of acquisition section is cost analysis part, now you can compare all the channels such as source/medium, keyword etc.


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